Essay Writing Contest

Are you one of those people who are thrilled to offer help when someone says “please write my essay”? has a challenge that will certainly make you smile. This is an international essay writing contest for everyone who’s willing to showcase superb skills in creative and critical thinking. This is your best chance to get recognition for your talent. Your entry will be published on their blog and shared on their social media profiles, where thousands of followers will access it. Three winners will be chosen and up to $3000 will be given to the talented candidates.

Essays Capital is a unique academic writing service that is aimed at helping young college and university students in getting maximum assistance when writing their course work.


EssaysCapital announces an international essay writing contest for everyone who’s willing to showcase superb skills in creative and critical thinking.

How to Apply:

For applying the essay contest, you are required to write an essay on one of the following topic.

• Make your pick and write an essay on one of these topics:
• The Pro and Con Arguments for the Death Penalty
• Human Cloning Pros and Cons: Should People Interfere with Nature?
• Should Animals Be used for Research? Is Their Role Replaceable?
• Limitations or Protection: Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble?
• Are We Too Dependent on Computers to Function Without Them?

Essay Guidelines:

• Your essay should be 1000-1700 words long
• Write your essay in English. The contest is open to international participants, but the content must be written in English
• Attach your Word document in .docs, .odt, .doc, or .rtf format
• Don’t forget to provide your contact information on a separate page of the document

Submitting Details:

• Submit your entry by the deadline via an e-mail message to contact [at]
• Use “EssayCapital Writing Contest” as the title of your e-mail message, and write your name, age, and country in the body. Also, please attach the screenshot that shows that you liked EssaysCapital Facebook page and followed us on Twitter.

Award Amount:

Essays Capital values great writing! These are the prizes the best participants will get:

• Winner – $3000
• First runner-up – $2500
• Second runner-up – $2000

Application Deadline:

They accept submissions from February 15, 2016, through June 25, 2016. All finalists will be notified of their status via e-mail by July 1, 2016.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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