Essay Contest of China-US Tourism

China Youth Daily is pleased to announce an amazing contest termed as “Essay Contest of China-US Tourism.” If you are a USA or China citizen, you are considered to be eligible. An essay competition is being held to promote people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States. Winners will obtain a 10-day travel package to the west coast of the United States, four round-trip tickets from Beijing to Los Angeles, and ten coupons for one-night’s free stay at a five-star-rated hotel in Los Angeles.

China Youth Daily was founded in 1980. They aims to increase travel and tourism between the two countries by enhancing the travel experience, increasing travelers’ cultural understanding and expanding appreciation of natural landscapes.


Applicant must either be a USA citizen.


Applicant must be a China citizen.

How to Apply:

In order to be an applicant of this contest you have to write an essay on:

  • Personal experiences of cultural exchanges, between China and US?
  • Their reflections on living and traveling in either country?
  • Their feelings about how the Chinese dream and American dream have effected change?

Supporting Documents:

  • Only Chinese and English-written stories will be accepted and reviewed. The essay should be limited to 1,000 words with a 50-word introduction of the writer attached.
  • The subject of the email should be Essay Contest of China-US Tourism Year. Participants should also provide their name, contact information, passport number, address and post code in the email.


  • Prizes up for grabs include a 10-day travel package to the west coast of the United States, four round-trip tickets from Beijing to Los Angeles, and ten coupons for one-night’s free stay at a five-star-rated hotel in Los Angeles.
  • Anyone who participates in the contest will also receive a coupon worth 199 yuan for any tourism product to the United States on

Application Deadline:

You can apply on or before December 31, 2016.

Link for more information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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