Equal Justice Works Fellowships

Equal Justice Works Organization is dedicated to creating a just society by mobilizing the next generation of lawyers committed to equal justice. That’s why they are pleased to announce its Fellowship Program that is intended to create new public interest positions for lawyers committed to developing and leading innovative social justice projects.Candidates and prospective host organizations work closely together to design a project and apply for the Fellowship.The fellows will receive a competitive salary, health and fringe benefits, generous loan repayment assistance, 3-day leadership development training and ongoing personalized staff support.Equal Justice Works will provide each host organization with up to $50,000 annually toward a Fellow’s salary.

Founded by law students in 1986, Equal Justice Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To achieve this, we offer a continuum of opportunities for law students and lawyers that provide the training and skills that enable them to provide effective representation to underserved communities and causes.


To eligible, the applicant must meet the following criteria:


  • Candidates must be a third-year law student, a recent law school graduate who has not held a full-time, permanent public interest attorney position, or an experienced private attorney looking to begin a public interest career.
  • Your law school must be an Equal Justice Works member law school at the time you apply.

Host organization:

  • Host organization must be non-profit in the United States or its territories willing to employ you during the two-year Fellowship if selected.
  • The organization must commit to providing health insurance, fringe benefits, and any salary in excess of $50,000 per year.
  • The organization must also provide legal supervision, a work space, and the materials (computer, internet access, phone, etc.) needed for the project.


  • Host Organizations and Candidates must collaboratively design a new project that serves individuals, groups or issues not adequately represented in our legal system.
  • Projects may be in any issue area except standard criminal defense or international law.
  • Projects must serve individuals and/or groups residing in the United States.

How to Apply:

To apply, the applicant must create an account to register and submit online application through the given link: http://info.equaljusticeworks.org/fellowships/login.asp

Supporting Documents:

The application requires the following:

  • A project proposal,
  • Personal statement,
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A resume.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

With the support of their host organizations, sponsors, and Equal Justice Works, Fellows pursue projects of their own design and create lasting change for their communities over the two-year Fellowship.

Throughout the two-year project term, Fellows will receive the support they need to focus on their professional goals, including Competitive salary, Health and fringe benefits, Generous loan repayment assistance, 3-Day Leadership Development Training and ongoing personalized staff support, and Lasting relationships with the private sector sponsor(s) of your Fellowship.

  • Salary
  1. Equal Justice Works will provide each host organization with up to $50,000 annually toward a Fellow’s salary
  2. Each host organization is required to set its Fellow’s salary commensurate with what a standard entry-level attorney with similar experience would receive at that organization.
  • Fellowships Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)
  1. Equal Justice Works provides loan repayment assistance to Fellows who qualify through its Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP).
  2. The amount of assistance a fellow will receive is based on the monthly Income Based Repayment (IBR) set forth by the Federal Direct Loan Program.
  3. Fellows must take advantage of other LRAP programs from which they are eligible before applying to the Equal Justice Works LRAP.
  4. The amount of assistance a Fellow will receive is based upon the Income Based Repayment (IBR) amount on federally guaranteed loans and is capped at a maximum of $5,000 annually.
  • Development Training
  1. The Equal Justice Works Fellowship program sponsors training over the course of the two-year Fellowship to provide Fellows with practical leadership, management, and networking skills that will help them, be successful in their Fellowships and throughout their careers.
  • Resources and Services Provided to the Fellows
  1. Equal Justice Works provides Fellows with program support and assistance by offering informative webinars, check-ins, and the help of dedicated staff members who are ready and willing to help you navigate your Fellowship. Equal Justice Works also facilitates and manages the relationship between a Fellow and his/her sponsor.

Application Deadline:

The applications are due on September 27, 2017, 11:59 pm EDT.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

If you have any question, contact by email to fellowships-at-equaljusticeworks.org.

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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