Environment Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University is pleased to offering applications for its inaugural cohort of Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship.To apply, the applicant must have recent Ph.D. in an area related to research plan (normally within the past three years of application). This program supports outstanding scholars who are studying in a field related to energy and the environment with a focus on innovative technological solutions, smart economic analyses, and/or impactful policy solutions to their most pressing energy and environmental challenges.Fellows are expected to be appointed for two years, with renewal after the first year contingent upon satisfactory performance.The Fellows will receive a competitive salary, standard benefits and an annual allowance of $2,000 to support conference and career development travel.

The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University (the Center) was founded in July 2008 through an extraordinary $100 million gift from international business leader Gerhard R. Andlinger ’52 and began its operations in the fall of 2010.The mission of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment is to develop solutions to ensure our energy and environmental future.


  • Prospective postdoctoral fellows must collaborate with at least one Princeton faculty or senior research staff member working in an energy or environment-related field and articulate a research plan that is aligned with the mission of the Andlinger Center.
  • Preference will be given to applicants educated outside of Princeton University.
  • Teaching
  • Participation in teaching during the fellowship period is not required. However, fellows may offer guest lectures in courses, with support from Princeton mentors.
  • Interested fellows are encouraged to pursue workshops and training in pedagogy offered through Princeton’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • Other requirements
  • Recent P.hD. (normally within the past three years of application) in an area related to the research plan.
  • Formal presentation of research in the form of an hour-long seminar upon completion of the fellowship.
  • Publications and other forms of output should acknowledge funding from the Andlinger Center.
  • These positions are subject to the University’s background check policy.

How to Apply:

To apply for the fellowship, the applicant can submit online application through the given link: https://puwebp.princeton.edu/AcadHire/apply/application.xhtml?listingId=2221

Supporting Documents:

Applicants must submit the following materials through the Ahire site:

  • Curriculum vitae including a list of publications
  • A research plan (two pages), identifying Princeton mentor(s) and explaining the context, objectives, and impact of the proposed research. The plan must address one or more energy and environmental challenges and technological or policy solution(s) the candidate plans to explore. The work can be applied or fundamental, theoretical or experimental, or a combination of these. Typically, this statement is prepared in consultation with Princeton mentor(s) identified by the applicant.
  • A personal statement (one to two pages) providing details on the following:

The benefits of this fellowship towards the applicant’s career plans;

Additional mentors that he/she plans to cultivate after the start of the fellowship.

  • Contact Information for the applicant’s Princeton mentor and two additional, non-Princeton references, who will be asked to write supporting letters.
  • Princeton mentor(s) will be asked to submit a letter indicating a willingness to mentor and support the applicant, assessment of the applicant’s standing in the field and proposed research plan.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

This program provides a unique opportunity for postdoctoral fellows to:

  • Develop their careers through independent and interdisciplinary research
  • Delve deeply into a research topic related to solutions for energy and environmental challenges or pursue broader inter-disciplinary research combining science, engineering, technology, policy and social dimensions
  • Engage in theoretical and/or experimental research, which is either fundamental or applied in nature
  • Work with one or more research mentors who are experts in their respective fields

Fellows will be appointed at the rank of postdoctoral research associate and will be provided a competitive salary, standard benefits and an annual allowance of $2,000 to support conference and career development travel.

Application Deadline:

The applicants must submit a complete application no later than September 30, 2017.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

If you have any question or additional query, send an email to acee-at-princeton.edu or call 609-258-8253.

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