EngineerGirl Essay Contest
Every year, the EngineerGirl Website sponsors Engineer Girl Essay Contest dealing with engineering and its impact on the world. The contest is open elementary school students (grades 3-5), middle school students in (grades 6-8) and high school students. To be entering in the contest, the candidates should submit an essay on the topic “your engineer ideas to improve life for endangered, critically endangered and vulnerable animals”. Winners in each grade category will receive a cash prize of $500, $250 and $100. All winning entries will be published on the EngineerGirl website.

The EngineerGirl Website was launched in 2001. It is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women.


The contest is open to individual girls and boys in the following three competition categories:

  • Elementary School Students (grades 3-5)
  • Middle School Students in (grades 6-8)
  • High School Students (grades 9-12)
  • The category for entry must be based on US grade categories.  Home schooled or international students who are unsure of their grade should choose an appropriate category based on where the student would be placed if attending public school in the US.  Prior winners of the Essay Contest who have received a cash prize from EngineerGirl in any of the above grade categories may not enter again in the same age group.
  • Employees of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and their immediate families or those living in the same household as a National Academies employee are not eligible to enter this competition.
  • Entrants may enter one Submission in one of the three competition categories. Entrants must select one competition category at the time of their entry. Each individual contest participant is restricted to one Submission only.

How to Apply:

To enter in the contest, write an essay on an animal that is ranked by IUCN and learn about the animal and consider how engineering might improve life for that species.  To prepare your essay to consider the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this species, and what problem or problems does it face?
  • What ideas have already been tested that may help to design a solution and begin solving those problems?
  • What specific solution would you suggest to help solve the problems faced by this species?
  • Aside from the animals, who would benefit from your proposed solution?
  • Are there any policies or standards currently in place that would affect the way your solution could be implemented?
  • Who would have to be involved in implementing the proposed solution?
  • Who should fund the proposed solution?

Guidelines for length:  

  • Grades 3–5: 400 to 700 words
  • Grades 6–8: 600 to 1100 words
  • Grades 9–12: 1000 to 1500 words

References Guidelines: 

  • All essays must be original work, and resources must be clearly cited.
  • For each reference you use to research your essay, include the following four pieces of information in the references section:
  • Title – The name of the resource. A resource can be a webpage, article, person, or another reference.
  • Author – The person who wrote or created the resource.  There may be multiple authors or sometimes an author can be an organization.  If you cannot find an author you may write, “No Author Available.”
  • Date – The date the resource was created.  If there is no date (for example on a webpage) the citation should include the date the page was reviewed for your essay.
  • Location – Where we can find the resource.  For web pages, this is the URL. For printed resources include the publisher.

Submitting Details: 

You can submit your essay through the given link:

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Winners in each grade category will receive the prizes listed below:

  • First-place winners will be awarded $500.
  • Second-place entries will be awarded $250.
  • Third-place entries will be awarded $100.

All winning entries will be published on the EngineerGirl website.

Application Deadline:

The last date for submitting application form is February 1, 2017, at 6:00 pm EST.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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