DirectTextbook Haiku Scholarship Contest is excited to announce the Haiku Scholarship Contest. The scholarship contest is open for high school graduate of United States. Direct Textbook features as one of the world’s most robust book search engines. Six scholarships of $500.00 amount will be given to the winning candidates.

Since 2002, Direct has helped more than 20 million college students, parents, teachers, and other professionals in finding the best prices on new and used textbooks with an innovative textbook search engine.


To be considered eligible for scholarship, the applicants must follow the given criteria:

  • You are a high school graduate
  • You are currently enrolled in an accredited 2 or 4 year college or university for Fall 2015
  • You are a legal resident of the United States
  • You are not currently incarcerated
  • Your most recent GPA is 2.0 or above

How to Apply:

  • Fill in all of the information about yourself (the applicant)
  • Write an original haiku poem that captures the essence of what the word “emerge” means to you

Award Amount:

  • Two $500.00 Scholarships: Haikus selected by Direct Textbook
  • Two $500.00 Scholarships: Haikus with the most votes
  • Two $500.00 Scholarships: Haiku entries selected at random from all qualifying entries

Application Deadline:

Submit your information and original poem. Applications will no longer be accepted after September 9th, 2015.

Link for More information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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