High School Senior Scholarship Essay Contest is pleased to announce “High School Senior Scholarship Essay Contest”. The contest is open to enrolled, fulltime high school senior students with intent to attend college. The company has helped more than one million parents and students get more for their used books with its college textbook buyback price search, and save up to 90 percent on textbook purchases. Three prizes of $3000, $1000 and $500 will be given to the winning candidates.

Direct Textbook features one of the world’s most robust book search engines. Direct Textbook is a free service that has helped more than 20 million students, parents, and educators buy, sell, and rent textbooks at the best possible prices


  • The essay contest is open to enrolled, fulltime high school senior students with intent to attend college.
  • One entry per person.

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, you must submit the on-line application form and complete an essay of 500 words or less that answers the questions:
“What does self-responsibility mean to you? How does living self-responsibly affect your life? How does avoiding self responsibility affect your life? ”

The link is:

Award Amount:

3 cash prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • $3000 to first place
  • $1000 to second place
  • $500 to third place

Application Deadline:

Applications will no longer be accepted after May 4th 2016 or after 3000 qualifying entries have been submitted. Approximately 681 of 3000 spots filled.

Link for more Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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