DefensiveDriving Scholarship is pleased to announce the scholarship program for the legal residents of United States. The scholarship is open for high school seniors or college students. The philosophy at is to provide the most educational, highest quality products in the industry and to support those products with exceptional customer service. $1,000 scholarship award will be given to the deserving candidate. Award money is to be applied to cover winner’s educational expenses in the field or major of their choosing. is a leader in online driver safety and it was one of the first online defensive driving courses in the nation.


  • Open to high school seniors or college students who are legal residents of the United States
  • Scholarship payable to the winner who should be living in the United States
  • Student must enroll in semester beginning no later than Winter 2015
  • Winner is not based on financial need
  • Relatives of staff may not enter
  • Home-schooled students may apply so long as your course of study is equivalent to a high school senior

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, the candidates must fill the on-line scholarship application form. The link is:

Supporting Documents:

  • Applicants required to submit a photograph .Take a picture responding to the following prompt:
  1. Show us a place that’s meaningful to you that can only be accessed with a vehicle (a beautiful view, family member’s home, place of entertainment, etc.).
  2. Included visibly in the picture must be the applicant, their car and the location.
  3. Pictures are to be submitted via Twitter with a short description of the location, a link to and must include the hashtag #SafeDrivingDestinations.
  • Applicants required to “like”’s  Facebook page to be considered

Award Amount:

One (1) winning applicant will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Application Deadline:

Applicants may submit entries from July 28, 2015 through November 20, 2015.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

Any query regarding the scholarship, may be sent to

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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