Daniel Burrus Scholarship Program

Daniel Burrus is giving you chance to enter in “Daniel Burrus Scholarship” that is open to high school student attending a college or university in the following semester.Burrus’s mission is to help leaders create anticipatory and highly innovative organizations by using predictable Hard Trends and game-changing technology to build a better tomorrow. The Daniel Burrus Scholarship Fund will support three (3) students with $1,000 award amount each that can be used towards their books and tuition.

Daniel Burrus (born in 1947) is an American technology futurist, innovation expert, business … Business entrepreneur. Burrus created six companies. Burrus is the founder and CEO of Burrus Research, a research and consulting firm.


You are encouraged to apply if you are

  • A high school student attending a college or university in the following semester
  • A full-time college or university student in good academic standing (documentation needed)
  • Shows a desire to continue their education in order to more effectively impact their community

How to Apply:

All applicants must write an essay and essay should be 500 words in length at a minimum. The topic of the essay is given below:

  • State the importance of turning technological change into competitive advantage and why it is important to have an Anticipatory Mindset using the idea of Daniel Burrus’ Anticipatory Organization Model.
  • Describe how organizations can use Hard Trends to anticipate disruptions and identify game-changing opportunities to accelerate success.
  • Explain how looking at the Visible Future™ enable organizations to more accurately plan, anticipate, and prepare for what is to come. Responses should incorporate an understanding of Hard Trends.

Submitting Details:

All applicants must submit the essay to scholarship-at-burrus.com.

Financial Aid and Award Money:             

The Daniel Burrus Scholarship Fund will support three (3) students either entering college or already attending a university, granting each $1,000 to be used towards books and tuition.

Application Deadline: 

  • Deadline for fall semester is July 15, 2017.
  • Deadline for spring semester is December 15, 2017.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

Have any query feel free to contact to contact.burrus-at-gmail.com or call (262) 671-4769.


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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