Community Progress Technical Assistance Scholarship Program

The Center for Community Progress (Community Progress) is accepting applications from public and nonprofit entities for the Technical Assistance Scholarship Program (TASP).  The scholarship is available for governmental entities. The aim of scholarship program is to develop more effective and innovative models that help to inform the stabilization and revitalization efforts of communities across the country. Community Progress will select up to three scholarship recipients.

The Center for Community Progress is the only national nonprofit organization solely dedicated to building a future in which entrenched, systemic blight no longer exists in America’s communities


  • In fact, governmental entities are the only eligible lead applicants. The following are eligible governmental entities: local governments, County governments, regional governments, state agencies/divisions, housing authorities, or land banks.
  • Applications are also strongly encouraged to include partner applicants, which may include but is not limited to public entities, nonprofits, small business or resident associations, local foundations, and anchor institutions.

How to Apply:

  1. For applying the scholarship, the candidates must submit the on-line scholarship application form through the given link:

  1. Strong and complete applications must demonstrate the following:
  • A willingness to innovate and think creatively
  • Significant need
  • Staff capacity
  • The required financial commitment and
  • The ability to implement and sustain findings and recommendations. Regardless of the specific technical assistance requested, a competitive application will demonstrate a willingness to take some risk

Award Amount:

Community Progress will select up to three scholarship recipients to receive the following:

  • Community Progress will commit up to 200 hours of technical assistance and request a financial commitment from the scholarship recipient in an amount up to $10,000, depending on the number of technical assistance hours awarded.
  • Copy of final deliverable(s) (i.e. memo, report, presentation, stakeholder meetings, etc.) as agreed upon in the final Scope of Work developed between Community Progress and the scholarship recipient.
  • Up to four complimentary registrations for the 2016 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference (September 28-30, 2016, in Baltimore, Maryland), valued at approximately $400 each.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for TASP applications is 3 p.m. EST on Thursday, January 21, 2016.

Link for More Information:–tasp–to-go-live-dec-1-pages-494.php#Key Dates

Contact Information:

If you have questions regarding the scholarship, you can submit at


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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