The Coffee Barrister Annual College Scholarship

As a team, The Coffee Barrister recognizes the importance of education and that knowledge is power. They understand that more and more students are facing financial problems, with some having to sacrifice valuable studying time to support their education. For this reason, The Coffee Barristerwants to play their part in society and announce the “Coffee Barrister Annual College Scholarship”. The program is open to the students who are enrolled in an accredited secondary school, college, or university (international). Winners of the annual college scholarship will get up to $1000 academic scholarship.

The Coffee Barrister is an artisan coffee company that educates the public on how to brew quality coffee at home. As a team, It recognizes the importance of education and that knowledge is power


The secondary school, college, or university (international) students are eligible to apply for Coffee Barrister Annual College Scholarship.

How to Apply:

To apply for this scholarship, the candidates can submit online application form through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

Each applicant must submit a 500 – 1000 word essay on any topic of your choice related to artisan coffee (also known as specialty coffee)

In your submission, demonstrate the following:

  • Creativity- Show your creativity by creating an eye-catching title and writing that’ll entice the readers
  • Value- Write an essay that adds value by showing readers something new, or guide them to some sort of conclusion
  • Research- Demonstrate your research skills by including facts and figures from different sources
  • Analytical- Show your critical thinking skills by demonstrating your ability in digesting information and coming up with new concepts and ideas

Financial Aid and Award Money:

The Coffee Barrister Company is awarding up to $1000 academic scholarship.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the Coffee Barrister Annual College scholarship is on January 14th, 2017 and winners will notify by February 1st, 2017.

Link for more Information:

Contac Information:

If you have any query, contact to:


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