ChameleonJohn Annual USA University Student Scholarship

Are you a student and looking for scholarship to help your study? The ChameleonJohn is offering Annual USA University Student Scholarship to help University students across the country who are struggling financially. ChameleonJohn is an online coupons platform, serving millions of fellow American shoppers with the best deals at their favorite stores. The scholarship program will award up to $3,000 stipend to one student and help them cover their tuition fees.

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  • Candidate must be University students across the country
  • Candidate desired University must be in the United States

How to Apply:

To be applying, candidate can apply on-line application through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

Candidate must write short essays to these 3 questions (up to 1,000 symbols each)

  • What are your goals in life? How will these studies contribute to them? (1,000 words)
  • How will this scholarship change your life? (1,000 words)
  • What quote by a famous person represents your attitude towards life and success? Why?(1,000 words)

Financial Aid and Award Money:

The $3,000 scholarship will be awardedevery year to one student in the United States and help them cover their tuition fees. The money will be transferred to their University’s bank account.

Application Deadline:

The candidate must submit their application til December 1, 2016.

Link for more Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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