CCIB Research Fellowship

Center for Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB) ) of Rutgers University is inviting the application for Research Fellowship. Faculty members of CCIB are eligible to apply for the fellowship program to promote interdisciplinary research. CCIB graduate students can apply also for a Student Traveling Grant based on matching funds to the Dean’s Traveling Grant.

The CCIB is always interested in exploring new research directions and is happy to lend its computational expertise to external collaborators.


Faculty members of CCIB are eligible to apply for CCIB Research Fellowship.

How to Apply:

For applying the fellowship, the candidates must submit a letter with a detailed description of the research activities, an itemized budget justification, a letter of interest of the guest or an invitation letter from the host.

Supporting Material:

  • Purpose of Travel (collaboration that will lead to a grant submission, learning a new method that will benefit an interdisciplinary research, hosting a scholar for the benefit of an interdisciplinary research etc.)
  • Attach an itemized list of estimated travel costs and a copy of an official invitation or program listing the applicant’s participation
  • Attached a letter of invitation from the hosting institute

Submitting Details:

Summary of activities, original receipts, and reimbursement requests must be submitted to CCIB Secretary Peter Fazzino.

Award Amount:

A budget of $1,500 per week for a maximum of four weeks will be given to the selected projects.

Link for more information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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