CBC Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. is pleased to offer Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship Program for undergraduate students who are currently/planning to be enrolled in the upcoming academic year as a full-time.Visual arts include architecture, ceramics, drawing, fashion, graphic design, illustration, interior design, painting, photography, sketching, video production, and other decorative arts. The scholarship programs support current or upcoming college students across a variety of disciplines. Selected applicants will be qualified African-American or black students. Winners will receive up to $3000 award amount.

About The Organization:

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF)’s mission is to advance the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public.


  • U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident
  • Currently/planning to be enrolled in the upcoming academic year as a full-time undergraduate student (students pursuing a graduate degree in the fall are ineligible)
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Be pursuing a major and career in a visual art
  • Exhibit leadership and community service
  • Selected applicants will be qualified African-American or black students

How to Apply:

Applying for the scholarship, the candidates must register themselves through the given link:


Online Application Requirements:

  • Personal statement (500-1,000 words). Students should use the same personal statement when applying for multiple scholarships.
  • TWO (2) electronically submitted letters of recommendation. We suggest one come from a community or public service leader (i.e. church leader, community leader, volunteer organization). The application provides instructions for your references to upload their letters.
  • An electronic copy of detailed Federal Student Aid Report (SAR); this report comes from the US Department of Education and is typically 5 pages in length. This should be uploaded to the online application as a PDF document.
  • Resume (3 pages maximum) detailing your academics, extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills.
  • A Recent photograph suitable for publication (i.e., a cap and gown picture, or other professional quality and professionally dressed photograph).
  • Official transcript (all pages, in color, and legible) scanned and uploaded as ONE (1) PDF file. We are no longer accepting applications via postal mail.
  • Five original pieces of artwork from the art genre for which are you applying, with each file name showing the piece’s title, dimensions, and media (e.g. Water – 3ft x 2ft – oil on canvas).

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Selected applicants will be qualified African-American or black students. Winners will receive up to $3000 award amount.

Application Deadline:

Students can submit their applications form before April 21, 2017.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information: If you have any question, email at scholarships-at-cbcfinc.org


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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