2017 Equal Justice Works Fellowship

2017 Equal Justice Works Fellowship

Equal Justice Works Fellowship is highly competitive and it is sponsored by Equal Justice Works organization. Equal Justice Works Fellowships provide the opportunity for lawyers to positively impact vulnerable communities around the country. All Equal Justice Works...
The NDSEG Fellowship Program

The NDSEG Fellowship Program

As a means of increasing the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance, the Department of Defense (DoD) plans to award approximately 180 new The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG)...
CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship

CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship

  American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is now accepting an application for CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship Program. The scholarship recognizes the outstanding work of graduate nursing students who are advancing the nursing profession through a...
United States Senate Youth Program

United States Senate Youth Program

The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is an annual high school scholarship competition sponsored jointly by the U.S. Senate and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The USSYP scholarship is designated for undergraduate college...
Naval Institute’s General Prize Essay Contest

Naval Institute’s General Prize Essay Contest

The General Prize Essay Contest invites you to “dare to write in order to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to national defense.” The contest is open to all persons eligible for...
Air Force ROTC Scholarship

Air Force ROTC Scholarship

What if you didn’t have to worry about how to pay for college? Air Force ROTC offers a variety of scholarships that will help relieve the financial burden of your college education. That way, you can focus on preparing for your future. Air Force ROTC’s...

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