Berkman Center for Internet & Society Fellowship

The Berkman Center for Intnet & Society is pleased to offer Berkman Center for Berkman’s Fellowship Program. The fellowship is providing opportunity for lawyers, philosophers, activists, technologists, entrepreneurs, journalists. The program’s aim is to encourage and support fellows in an inviting and rigorous intellectual environment, with community activities designed to foster inquiry and collaboration. Two tiers of stipends for full time employee fellows will be given as $48,000 and $64,000, depending on the experience, expertise, and background of the fellow.

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society welcomes an interdisciplinary and diverse community of academics and practitioners to join the Center as fellows in its mission to engage the challenges and opportunities of cyberspace.


  • Fellows come from across the disciplinary spectrum, different life paths, and are at all stages of career development. Some fellows are academics, whether students, post-docs or professors. Others come from outside academia, and include lawyers, philosophers, activists, technologists, entrepreneurs, journalists and other types of practitioners.
  • Some fellowships require specific sets of skills and experiences.  Those that do require particulars indicate the necessary skills in the position announcement.
  • Spending time together in person remains essential.  In order to maximize their engagement with the community, fellows are expected to routinely spend time in and conduct much of their work from Cambridge, in most cases requiring residency

 How to Apply:

Candidates can register themselves as applicants through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

  • A current resume or C.V.
  • A personal statement which should a) frame your motivation for applying for a Berkman Center fellowship and b) outline the work you propose to conduct during a fellowship. This statement should be roughly 1,000 – 1,500 words or should be a multi-media equivalent.
  • A copy of a recent publication or an example of relevant work.  For a written document, for instance, it should be on the order of a paper or chapter – not an entire book or dissertation – and should be in English.
  • Two letters of recommendation, sent directly from the reference.
  • Disciplinary background: Up to three disciplines in which you have been trained and/or have worked.
  • Tags: Five tags that describe or represent the themes, issues, or ideas you know about and on which you propose to conduct work during a fellowship at Berkman; and five tags that represent work, themes, issues, or ideas that you do not currently know much about, but would like to explore and learn more about during a fellowship year.  Each tag should be one- to three- words or terms.
  • Berkman projects of interest.

 Award Amount:

  • Stipends and all other administrative determinations are made on case-by-case basis, depending on factors including need, capacity, and available resources, the latter of which are in short supply. In all cases, the Berkman staff will endeavor to ensure that fellows have the necessary resources to make their fellowships successful.
  • Stipends:  At present, very few Berkman fellows receive stipends, and almost all of those who do are working directly and primarily on one of Berkman’s funded projects.
  • There are two tiers of stipends for full time employee fellows, $48,000 and $64,000, depending on the experience, expertise, and background of the fellow.
  • Benefits: Fringe benefits do not routinely accompany Berkman fellowships. Fellows must make their own housing, insurance, childcare, and transportation arrangements.
  • Office Space:Most Berkman fellows work out of the greater-Boston area and spend a significant amount of time at the Berkman Center.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline is December 21, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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