Banco Santander Foundation – Cnio Fellowship

Banco Santander Foundation is pleased to offer Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) Fellowships for young researchers. Applicants must hold a PhD or MD degree to be considered for given fellowship. Aim of the fellowship is to support highly talented and motivated young scientists who have been trained in the UK or in the USA. Fellows will be granted of 30,400 to 34,200 Euros.

Aim of Banco Santander foundation is to provide cutting-edge cancer research training in an interdisciplinary and internationally competitive environment.


  • Younger than 37 years at the application deadline.
  • Enrolment in a predoctoral and/or postdoctoral training programme in a recognized research centre in the UK or in the USA for at least 24 months during the past 3 years (January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015).
  • Hold a PhD or MD degree. Candidates who are expected to obtain their degree before December 31, 2015 are eligible provided that their thesis supervisor accredits this circumstance in his/her letter of reference.
  • In the case that the candidate were awarded a fellowship but did not obtain the phd or MD degree before the date mentioned above, his/her position would be offered to another candidate on the waiting list.

How to Apply:

To be consider for fellowship you must follow the online application procedure through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

  • At least one first author publication either published or accepted before the application deadline in a relevant international peer-reviewed journal in the Medicine & Life Sciences field.
  • Two letters of reference; one of them has to be provided by the thesis supervisor.
  • One letter of commitment by one of the CNIO group leaders (applicant’s mentor at the CNIO). This letter must indicate the availability to co-fund the postdoctoral position.

 Award Amount:

  • Selected candidate will be offered the fellowship and invited to accept the position within 1 week after being notified. The candidate will be expected to start the fellowship not later than the end of June, 2016.
  • Selected candidate will be employed by the CNIO through a working contract in accordance to Spanish laws and regulations and will be entitled to all benefits available to regular CNIO employees.
  • Accordingly, contracts fully cover social security, including sickness and parental benefits, pension rights and unemployment benefits.
  • Banco Santander Foundation – CNIO fellows will receive a gross annual salary of 30,400 to 34,200 Euros, which corresponds to a monthly net income of approximately 1,850 to 2,050 Euros. The salary will depend on the applicant’s previous experience at the time of the application.

Application Deadline:

You can submit the applicant form before December 31, 2015.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

For any additional information, contact:

Mr. Juan R. Molina Education & Training Programmes Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)


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