ASU Devils Go Global Study Abroad Photo Contest

The Study Abroad Office is committed to enriching the academic experience at Arizona State University by affording students the opportunity to develop the intercultural competence, transnational understanding, and leadership skills required to face global challenges. That’s why they are proud to announce their annual Devils Go Global Study Abroad Photo Contest. Students who recently studied abroad in an official ASU study abroad program are invited to submit photos from their study abroad program in five different categories.  The Office will provide grand prize of $100 + study abroad swag pack. The 1st place winner in each category will receive $75 + study abroad swag pack and 2nd – 3rd place in each category will receive study abroad swag pack.

At Arizona State University, the Study Abroad Office is guiding student development through international experiences for lifelong global engagement and impact.  We seek to develop a menu of comprehensive international activities of the highest quality that provide every student with meaningful opportunities for academic and personal growth.


To eligible the applicant must:

  • Students submitting photos must have studied abroad on an ASU Study Abroad Office program during one of the following terms:
  • Academic Year 2016-2017
  1. Fall 2016
  2. Winter Break 2016
  3. The calendar Year 2017
  4. Spring 2017
  5. Spring Break 2017
  6. Post-Spring 2017
  7. Summer 2017
  • Photo submissions must be original work (no professional photos with logos or watermarks will be accepted) and must have been taken by the contestant during his/her ASU study abroad program.
  • Students who have graduated since studying abroad can still be considered.
  • Students who recently studied abroad in an official ASU study abroad program are invited to submit photos from their study abroad program in five different categories: Cultural Engagement, Academics, Sun Devil Spirit, International People, and International Places

How to Apply:

To apply for the contest, the candidate can submit photo on the given link:

Photo submission instructions:

  • Images must be at least 1 MB in size with dpi 300 or higher (in order to be enlarged for large format printing without pixelation).
  • Digital images must be uploaded using the online submission form by clicking the ‘Submit your photos’ button on this page. No e-mail submissions or prints will be accepted.
  • Each photo submitted should include a photo caption and photo location. If there are multiple students in the photo, please include their names.
  • Photos may be in color, black and white or sepia.
  • Photo formats accepted are .jpg or .png.
  • No more than five (5) photos may be submitted per category by each participant.

ASU Devils Go Global Study Abroad Photo Contest

Financial Aid and Award Money:

The contest will worth as the following:

  • Grand prize: $100 + study abroad swag pack
  • 1st place in each category: $75 + study abroad swag pack
  • 2nd and 3rd place in each category: study abroad swag pack

In addition, photos will be used on social media, and in digital and print promotions for the Study Abroad Office and ASU at-large.

Application Deadline:

The Devils Go Global Study Abroad Photo Contest 2017’s submission is due on October 16, 2017.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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