ASF Undergraduate Scholarships

The Army Scholarship Foundation is accepting applications for the academic year 2017-2018 Undergraduate Scholarships. The candidates who are currently high school seniors, high school graduates, or registered as undergraduate students at an accredited college or post high school vocational/technical institution can apply. The mission of the foundation is to provide college scholarships to the sons and daughters of those who have served our nation honorably as soldiers in the United States Army. One-year scholarships award ranges from $500 to $2000 are awarded annually and limited to undergraduate studies at accredited educational/technical institutions.

The Foundation was incorporated in the State of Texas on March 9, 2001, as the Paladin Foundation. The Internal Revenue Service recognized the Foundation as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization in 2001, making all donations to the Foundation fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by federal law.


Applicants must:

  • Be sons or daughters of regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing, or
    be spouses of serving enlisted regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing, or
    be sons or daughters of former U.S. Army members who received an honorable discharge or medical discharge, or who were killed while serving in the U.S. Army.
  • Be high school seniors, high school graduates, or registered as undergraduate students at an accredited college or post high school vocational/technical institution.
  • Have a 2.0-grade point average on a 4 point system.
  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Not have reached their 24th birthday by the application deadline date in the year they apply if they are a child of an Army member.
  • Not have previously earned a bachelor’s degree from a college or university.

How to Apply:

There are two separate and distinct application forms, depending on your status.

 Supporting Documents:

Applicants must submit the following postmarked no later than April 15th of the application year:

  • Your completed application signed by you and your parent or you and your spouse.
  • Your parent’s Statement of Good Service or DD 214, or your spouse’s Statement of Good Service
  • Your own DD 214 if applicable
  • Your parent or spouse’s Federal Income Tax Return for prior year ?
  • Your Student Aid Report (SAR)
  • Your transcript(s)
  • Your essay
  • Your photograph, minimum 3 ½ by 2 ½ inches in size, in color, with applicant name on the back

Submitting Details: 

The complete application with all materials should be postmark to:

Army Scholarship Foundation

11700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301

Dallas, TX 75230

Financial Aid and Award Money:

The amount of award ranges from $500 to $2000 for undergraduate studies at accredited educational/technical institutions.

Application Deadline:

Scholarship application closing date is April 15, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information: If you have any question, email at:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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