APF Graduate Student Scholarship

American Psychological Foundation and Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology are offering scholarships named as “APF Graduate Student Scholarships”. Students enrolled in an interim master’s program or doctoral program is eligible to apply. The purpose of the scholarship program is to assist graduate students of psychology with research costs associated with the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. Award range for the 22 scholarships varies from $1,000 to $5,000.

American Psychological Foundation is a grant-making foundation that funds early career psychologists and graduate students using psychology to solve important problems and improve people’s loves.


  • Graduate students enrolled in an interim master’s program or doctoral program
  • If a student is currently enrolled in a terminal master’s program, the student must intend to enroll in a Ph.D. program.
  • Students at any stage of graduate study

How to Apply:

Applicants to be applying can go through the given link and download the application form: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=apa&

Supporting Documents:

  • A letter of recommendation (three-page maximum) from the nominee’s graduate research advisor, with an original signature. On the online application form, there will be a space for you to enter your graduate advisor’s email address. He or she will receive a link to upload the letter.
  • A brief outline (three-page maximum; see review criteria below) of the nominee’s thesis or dissertation research project (even if in progress) along with titles and abstracts.
  • A curriculum vitae and a transcript (an unofficial/student copy is acceptable) of all graduate coursework completed by the nominee.

APF Graduate Student Scholarship

Financial Aid and Award Money:     

APF awards 22 annual scholarships for graduate student research:

  • $5,000 Harry and Miriam Levinson Scholarship
  • $5,000 William and Dorothy Bevan Scholarship
  • $5,000 Charles and Carol Spielberger Scholarship
  • $5,000 Peter and Malina James & Dr. Louis P. James Legacy Scholarship
  • $3,000 APA 125th Anniversary Scholarship
  • $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship
  • $2,500 William C. Howell Scholarship
  • $2,000 Clarence J. Rosecrans Scholarship
  • $1,000 Raymond K. Mulhern Scholarship
  • $1,000 Dr. Judy Kuriansky Scholarship
  • 12 additional $1,000 scholarships

Application Deadline: 

Students interested in applying must submit their applications by June 30, 2017.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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