AlphaCard Scholarship Program

Are you a motivated student who wants to succeed? Do you have something important to say? If you answered “yes,” then AlphaCard encourages you to apply for the scholarship program. If you’re a current high school senior, college student, or graduate student, you are eligible to apply. The deserving student will receive a $1000 scholarship amount that can be used for higher education.

AlphaCard has been a trusted provider of secure ID solutions since 1998. AlphaCard is the easiest company to do business within the photo ID industry.


• You must be currently enrolled in high school (seniors only), college, or graduate school to apply.
• You cannot be an AlphaCard employee or be related to any of the company’s employees.
• AlphaCard will verify enrollment.
• AlphaCard reserves the right to disqualify any applicants who use inappropriate language or exhibit any behavior which may be construed as offensive.
• The scholarship is limited to United States residents only

How to Apply:

To be considered for the scholarship, you are required to give the answer of the following questions in a 350-400 word. Acceptable file formats include DOC, PDF, WPT, WPS, DOCX, DOT, and DOTX.

• What would you argue are the two most important measures schools or universities can implement to improve campus safety?”
• The majority of school campuses in the U.S. have implemented security measures to ensure the safety of students and faculty. We want to hear from you on the subject — what measures would you institute to augment safety?

Submitting Details:

You can upload your essay through the given link:

Award Amount:

The winning candidate will receive $1000 scholarship amount.

Application Deadline:

Your submissions must be received by July 1, 2016, by 5 pm PST.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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