ACHP Smithsonian Cultural Heritage Fellowship

The Smithsonian Institution (SI) with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) would like to announce “ACHP-Smithsonian Cultural Heritage Fellowship”. The theme for the 2017 Fall Semester ACHP-SI Fellowship is Latino Heritage. Those with an interest in learning more about the preservation of Latino culture, heritage, sites, and artifacts are especially encouraged to apply. The fellowship will provide $6,000 stipend to the winning candidates.

The Smithsonian Institution, established in 1846 “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge,” is a group of museums and research centers administered by the Government of the United States.  They strive to deliver the highest quality in everything they do.


This scholarship program is applicable for:

  • Current or recent undergraduate or graduate students with an interest in cultural and/or historic preservation are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
  • Some familiarity with cultural and/or historic preservation is desirable, but not required.
  • If you are looking for guidance or ideas, a good place to start is with your local and/or state historic preservation office.

How to Apply:

Applicants can online apply for the fellowship through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

As part of your application, you must upload the following documents:

  • Project Proposal (max 2 pages)
  • The proposal should identify your research goals and the importance of the work in relation to the discipline and your own scholarly endeavors
  • The proposal should identify the proposed site and proposed advisor
  • Timing & Budget Proposal (max 1 page, see example below in Reference section)
  • Timing: propose a schedule for each component of the fellowship: 1. DC component with both the ACHP and the Smithsonian; and 2. site-based component (must be at least 1 week, but could be more depending on interests)
  • Budget: propose a budget for travel and other research costs (if any).
  • The selection committee recommends combining travel to be as economical as possible, e.g. traveling to the site on the way back from DC (home-DC-site-home), and anticipates this allowance to be no more than $1000
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages)
  • Identification of a Proposed Site
  • The site must be registered or eligible for theNational Register of Historic Places
  • Identification of a Proposed Smithsonian Advisor
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • At least one of the recommendations should be from either the proposed Smithsonian advisor or a representative from the proposed site

 Financial Aid and Award Money:             

  • Fellows will receive a $6,000 stipend.
  • Additional funds for travel and research expenses are available and will be evaluated as part of the application.

Application Deadline: 

Scholarship application and all materials must be submitted by July 15, 2017, 11:59 pm EDT.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

You have any questions about the application you may contact at 202-633-7070 or

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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