Access to Legal Education Scholarship Program

The University Of Tulsa College Of Law is excited to announce Access to Legal Education Scholarship (ALES) Program. The scholarship is available for incoming first-year students to a TU College of Law Juris Doctor program for the spring 2015 or fall 2015 semesters. ALES is automatically awarded to an eligible admitted student and is renewed each year as long as the student remains in good academic standing.

The University Of Tulsa College Of Law is a private institution was founded in 1923 by a group of Tulsa attorneys.


  1. Incoming student, entering spring 2016 or fall 2016
  2. Juris Doctor program
  3. Current resident of an eligible state (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming)
  4. Earned an undergraduate degree from an eligible state
  5. Applicants are eligible as long they have a current residence in an eligible state OR received an undergraduate degree from an eligible state.
  6. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA

 How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, the candidates must fill the scholarship application form. The link is:

Award Amount:

Scholarship amount of $18,000 will be given to winning candidates.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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