The Linux Foundation is hosting The Linux Foundation Training (LiFT) Scholarship Program. Applicants can be based anywhere in the world as long as they demonstrate a passion for these technologies and a proven interest in becoming an open source professional. The program provides opportunities to up-and-coming developers and sysadmins. This year program will award training scholarships to 14 individuals in seven categories who want to contribute to the advancement of Linux and open source software and help influence their future.
The goal of Linux Foundation increases access to Linux and open source training, expand diversity in technology and create a clear pathway to the most in-demand and lucrative jobs in the IT industry.
Linux Foundation is offering two scholarships in each of the following seven categories. Each scholarship category has different eligibility criteria as follows:
• Linux Newbies:
1. Only open to applicants who have completed LFS101x – INTRO TO LINUX THROUGH EDX: Individuals who are new to Linux but have learned the basics by completing the Intro to Linux online course are invited to apply.
2. Recipients in this category will be awarded a scholarship specifically for the next course in this career-focused series – LFS201 – Essentials of System Administration as well as the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator exam.
• Teens-in-Training: Students 13 – 18 years of age who have already started using Linux and/or open source software and want to get a head start on a career in the field.
• Academic Aces:
1. 2016 high school or college grads already familiar with Linux and/or open source software but who want to prepare for their career with extra training.
2. Applicants must be 18 years or older.
• Women in Open Source: Women who have demonstrated leadership or want to take an initiative in creating the opportunity for themselves or other women in the Linux and open source community to submit applications in this category.
• SysAdmin Super Stars: These applicants should have already begun using Linux or open source software in their workplace but want to take their work to the next level with additional training.
• Developer Do-Gooder: Developers who are using Linux and open source software to advance their communities to submit applications, so they might expand that good work while enhancing their skills.
• Linux Kernel Guru: This category will recognize an individual who has already worked with the Linux kernel community and who can become a more valuable contributor.
How to Apply:
The candidates can apply on-line through the given link:
Award Amount:
• The Linux Foundation Training Scholarships will cover the expenses for one class to be chosen by each recipient from the Scholarship Track choices, representing thousands of dollars in value (travel expenses for in-person classes are not included).
• Winners in all categories may also elect to take a Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator or Linux Foundation Certified Engineer exam at no cost following the completion of their training course.
Application Deadline:
Applications are due by 11:59 pm Pacific time on June 30, 2016.
Link for more Information: