Want cash for college? Enter to win one of three $1,000 scholarships that are offered by the Finance Authority of Maine. The scholarship is open for the residents of Maine. The Finance Authority of Maine is offering three $1,000 scholarships in conjunction with their InPerson FAFSA Help events and Online FAFSA help.
FAME (Finance Authority of Maine) was established as Maine’s business finance agency in 1983 and charged with supporting the start-up, expansion and growth plans of Maine’s business community.
To be considered for scholarship, the students must:
- Be a Maine resident
- Be enrolled in eligible school in the fall of 2016 at least half-time. The scholarship cannot be deferred.
How to Apply:
- You can enter by attending and signing in to one of FAME’s In-Person FAFSA Help events or by completing the required fields in “About You” by the given link: http://www.famemaine.com/education/topics/filing-the-fafsa/win-a-scholarship/
- The online entry form will be available:
- At a FAME In-Person FAFSA Help events at event sign in (schedule of events can be found online) and
- On FAME’s website beginning on January 1, 2016.
Award Amount:
Three $1,000 scholarships will be given to the winning candidates.
Application Deadline:
Entries must be received on or before May 1, 2016.
Link for More Information: