Central Connecticut State University Graduate Assistantships

Central Connecticut State University is pleased to announce Graduate Assistantship Programs. The students who are enrolled in matriculated in a Graduate program and maintain a GPA of 3.00 or higher, can apply for the Assistantships. The purpose of graduate assistantships is to allow well qualified matriculated graduate students to participate in institutional activities academically relevant to the student’s program of study. The maximum stipend for full graduate assistantships shall be $4,800 per semester and $2,400 per semester for half graduate assistantships, and shall not include negotiated benefits.

Central Connecticut State University is a regional, comprehensive public university dedicated to learning in the liberal arts and sciences and to education for the professions.


All applicants must meet the following requirements to be considered for the position:

  • Matriculated in a Graduate program
  • Maintain a GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • Be registered in the current semester
  1. Full Time at least nine credits
  2. Part Time at least three credits

How to Apply:

  • All Graduate Assistantship positions are listed under the College Central Network by searching position postings for Graduate Assistantship. The link is: http://www.ccsu.edu/cace/collegeCentralNetwork.html
  • Positions can be applied for directly through the College Central Network position posting.
  • Follow the instructions on the position posting and send all required application documentation to the respective departmental personnel (should be listed in the posting) for review.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Graduate students awarded full assistantships shall pay full-time tuition. Graduate students awarded half assistantships and enrolled for nine semester hours or more shall pay full-time tuition, those enrolled for less than nine hours shall pay appropriate registration and course fees for part-time students. The following fees shall also be waived for graduate assistants:

  • State University Fee
  • University General Fee
  • (except for that portion attributable to student accident insurance)
  • Student Activity Fee

The maximum stipend for full graduate assistantships shall be $4,800 per semester and $2,400 per semester for half graduate assistantships, and shall not include negotiated benefits.

Application Deadline:


Link for More Information:



A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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