SF Fire Credit Union is accepting application for Arthur F. McIntyre Scholarship. The scholarship is available for member of SF Fire Credit Union who are Enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited university, college, community college, or high school. Every year, the scholarship program awards $2,500 scholarship each to two high school-level and two college-level students.
The mission of SF Fire Credit Union is to work side-by-side for the well-being of firefighters and those who support them.
- Student must be a member of SF Fire Credit Union in good standing.
- Enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited university, college, community college, or high school.
- Current grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
- Previous scholarship recipients must wait one year after awarding of a scholarship to apply again.
How to Apply:
For applying the scholarship, the candidates must complete scholarship application form that can be downloaded the application form through the given link:
Supporting documents:
- Submit your school transcripts in a sealed envelope, with the school’s seal embossed over flap.
- Submit an original 250 to 1000 word typed essay on the above topic, suitable for publication.
- Application and all supporting documents are to be submitted as a complete package only. (Complete package consists of application, transcript and essay).
Submitting Details:
- Completed packets can be dropped off to any of the given branches: California Street, Stonestown, Mint Plaza or Pacifica or
- If you are mailing your package please send to:
Attention: Scholarship Committee SF Fire Credit Union 3201
California Street San Francisco, CA 94118
Award Amount:
Four scholarships of $2,500 each will be awarded. Two will be awarded to secondary (high school) students, and two will be awarded to college students. Awards for recipients under the age of 18 will be made to their parents or guardians.
Application Deadline:
SF Fire Credit Union must receive completed application, transcripts and essay no later than February 1, 2016.
Link for more Information: